Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Diagonal Design Square

A Tunisian Crochet pattern

I used less than 1 skein Cotton Maid Cotton 8 (DK weight) and a 10" Tunisian size H hook. My finished square is about 9.5". Your square will be bigger (about 12") if you use worsted weight yarn. I would suggest a 12" or 14" I hook with worsted.

Special stitch: Tss2tog: Insert hook under front of next two vertical loops. YO, draw loop through both sts.

Foundation Row: Ch 41 loosely. Insert hook in 2nd ch from hook, YO, draw up a loop. Repeat in each ch across, leaving all loops on hook (41 loops on hook).

Return Pass: YO, draw through one loop on hook. *YO, draw through 2 loops on hook.* Rep * to * until only 1 loop remains on hook.

NOTE: Repeat Return Pass after each row.

Row 1: Tss in next 5 sts. * (Tss2tog, ch 1) twice. Tss in next 4 sts. * Rep * to * 3 more times, working last Tss through outer 2 strands of vertical loop at the end.

Return Pass

Row 2: Tss in next 6 sts. * (Tss2tog, ch 1) twice. Tss in next 4 sts. * Rep * to * 2 more times. (Tss2tog, ch1) twice. Tss in next 3 sts, working last Tss through outer 2 strands of vertical loop at the end.

Return Pass

Row 3: Tss2tog, ch 1 once. * Tss in next 4 sts. (Tss2tog, ch 1) twice. * Rep * to * 3 more times. Tss in next 2 sts, working last Tss through outer 2 strands of vertical loop at the end.

Return Pass

Row 4: Tss in next st. Tss2tog, ch 1 once. * Tss in next 4 sts. (Tss2tog, ch 1) twice. * Rep * to * 3 more times. Tss through outer 2 strands of vertical loop at the end.

Return Pass

Row 5: * (Tss2tog, ch 1) twice. Tss in next 4 sts. * Rep * to * 3 more times. Tss2tog, ch 1, once. Tss in next 2 sts, working last Tss through outer 2 strands of vertical loop at the end.

Return Pass

Row 6: Tss in next st. * (Tss2tog, ch 1) twice. Tss in next 4 sts. * Rep * to * 3 more times Tss2tog, ch 1 once. Tss through outer 2 strands of vertical loop at the end.

Return Pass

Row 7: Tss in next 2 sts. * (Tss2tog, ch 1) twice. Tss in next 4 sts. * Rep * to * 3 more times. Tss in next 3 sts, working last Tss through outer 2 strands of vertical loop at the end.

Return Pass

Row 8: Tss in next 3 sts. * (Tss2tog, ch 1) twice. Tss in next 4 sts. * Rep * to * 3 more times. Tss in next 2 sts, working last Tss through outer 2 strands of vertical loop at the end.

Return Pass

Row 9: * Tss in next 4 sts. (Tss2tog, ch 1) twice. * Rep * to * 3 more times. Tss in next 5 sts, working last Tss through outer 2 strands of vertical loop at the end.

Return Pass

Here is a rough diagram of the stitch pattern.

Tss = |

Tss2tog = ^

Ch = -

| | | | | -^-^ | | | | -^-^ | | | | -^-^ | | | | -^-^ | | | | Row 9

| | | | | | -^-^ | | | | -^-^ | | | | -^-^ | | | | -^-^ | | | Row 8

| | | | | | | -^-^ | | | | -^-^ | | | | -^-^ | | | | -^-^ | | Row 7

| -^ | | | | -^-^ | | | | -^-^ | | | | -^-^ | | | | -^-^ | Row 6

| | -^ | | | | -^-^ | | | | -^-^ | | | | -^-^ | | | | -^-^ Row 5

| -^-^ | | | | -^-^ | | | | -^-^ | | | | -^-^ | | | | -^ | Row 4

| | -^-^ | | | | -^-^ | | | | -^-^ | | | | -^-^ | | | | - ^ Row 3

| | | -^-^ | | | | -^-^ | | | | -^-^ | | | | -^-^ | | | | | | Row 2

| | | | -^-^ | | | | -^-^ | | | | -^-^ | | | | -^-^ | | | | | Row 1

Row 10 - 28: Repeat rows 1-9 twice, then repeat row 1 once. After the last return pass, you can finish off by cutting the yarn and pulling it through the last stitch, but for a fuller, neater edge, make a finishing row as follows.

Finishing Row: With last loop of last return pass still on hook, *insert hook into next stitch, YO, draw through 2 loops*. Repeat from * to * to end. Fasten off remaining loop.

I added 2 rounds of sc around my square (1st round had 40 sc on each side with 3 sc in each corner).

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Fan Stitch Square

A Tunisian Crochet pattern

I used less than 1 skein Cotton Maid Cotton 8 (DK weight) and a 10" Tunisian size H hook. My finished square is about 10".

Foundation Row: Ch 41 loosely. Insert hook in 2nd ch from hook, YO, draw up a loop. Repeat in each ch across, leaving all loops on hook (41 loops on hook).

Return Pass: YO, draw through one loop on hook. *YO, draw through 2 loops on hook.* Rep * to * until only 1 loop remains on hook.

Row 1: Tss: Insert hook under front of 2nd vertical loop from hook, YO, draw up a loop. Repeat in each vertical loop across, leaving all loops on hook, until you reach the last one. Insert hook under 2 strands of the vertical loop at the end, YO, draw up a loop (41 loops on hook).

Fan Return Pass: YO, draw through first loop. * Ch2, YO and draw through loop on hook and next 3 loops. * Repeat from * to * to last 2 loops. YO, draw through last 2 loops.

Row 2: Tfan: * Insert hook into vertical loops of the 3 sts that were worked tog, YO, draw up a loop. (Insert hook into ch, YO, draw up loop) twice. * Repeat * to * to end, insert hook under 2 strands of vertical loop at the end, YO, draw up loop (41 loops on hook).

Fan Return Pass

Repeat Row 2 and Fan Return Pass until your piece is nearly square. (Mine was almost square after 25 repeats. A lot depends on how tightly you crochet and the loft of your yarn. You can tell if your piece is square by folding it diagonally and seeing if it makes a perfect right triangle, or just measure it.)

Last Row: Repeat Row 2 once more, but follow with regular return pass like you did for Row 1.

After the last return pass, you can finish off by cutting the yarn and pulling it through the last stitch, but for a fuller, neater edge, make a finishing row as follows.

Finishing Row: With last loop of last return pass still on hook, *insert hook into next stitch, YO, draw through 2 loops*. Repeat from * to * to end. Fasten off remaining loop.

I added 2 rounds of sc around my square (1st round had 40 sc on each side with 3 sc in each corner).

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Ridged Square

A Tunisian Crochet pattern

I used less than 1 skein Cotton Maid Cotton 8 (DK weight) and a 10" Tunisian size H hook. My finished square is about 9.5". Your square will be bigger (about 12") if you use worsted weight yarn. I would suggest a 12" or 14" I hook with worsted.

Foundation Row
: Ch 41 loosely. Insert hook in 2nd ch from hook, YO, draw up a loop. Repeat in each ch across, leaving all loops on hook (41 loops on hook).

Return Pass: YO, draw through one loop on hook. *YO, draw through 2 loops on hook.* Rep * to * until only 1 loop remains on hook.
NOTE: Repeat Return Pass after each row.

Row 1: Tps: Insert hook from back of work, under 2nd vertical loop from hook, YO, draw up a loop. Repeat in each vertical loop across, leaving all loops on hook, until you reach the last one. Insert hook from back of work under 2 strands of the vertical loop at the end, YO, draw up a loop (41 loops on hook).
Return Pass

Row 2: Tss: Insert hook under front of 2nd vertical loop from hook, YO, draw up a loop. Repeat in each vertical loop across, leaving all loops on hook, until you reach the last one. Insert hook under 2 strands of the vertical loop at the end, YO, draw up a loop (41 loops on hook).
Return Pass

Row 3: Tks: Insert hook through 2nd vertical loop from hook from front to back of work, YO, draw up a loop. Repeat in each vertical loop across, leaving all loops on hook, until you reach the last one. Insert hook under 2 strands of the vertical loop at the end, YO, draw up a loop (41 loops on hook).
Return Pass

Row 4: Tss: Insert hook under front of 2nd vertical loop from hook, YO, draw up a loop. Repeat in each vertical loop across, leaving all loops on hook, until you reach the last one. Insert hook under 2 strands of the vertical loop at the end, YO, draw up a loop (41 loops on hook).
Return Pass

Repeat rows 1-4 ten times, or until your piece is just about square. Repeat Row 1 one more time. After the last return pass, you can finish off by cutting the yarn and pulling it through the last stitch, but for a fuller, neater edge, make a finishing row as follows.

Finishing Row: With last loop of last return pass still on hook, *insert hook into next stitch, YO, draw through 2 loops*. Repeat from * to * to end. Fasten off remaining loop.

I added 2 rounds of sc around my square (1st round had 40 sc on each side with 3 sc in each corner).